Film of the Month
Sole Suspect - Maggie Castle
Best Narrative Film
Passage - Hank Devos
Best Indie Film
One Minute of Unconsciousness - Eliana Cordova
Best Drama
Passage - Hank Devos
Best Comedy
Sole Suspect - Maggie Castle
Best Horror
Miss Me? - Kiran Kumar Mangali
Best Parody
Sospetti su un sospettato al di sotto di ogni sospetto - Giorgio Zingone
Best Dark Comedy
I'm Sorry Deer - Jacquelyn Francesca Fiorillo
Best Crime Film
Standoff - Marlyn Bandiero
Best LGBTQ Film
Swimming Naked - Jordan Shea Calusdian
Best Musical/Dance Film
Breathless - Eve McConnachie
Best Web Series
Destination - Hermann Boya
Best Documentary
Agong - Brian Chen
Best Animation
Lanterns - Ruojun Zhai
Best Music Video
McKenna Michels - MONSTER - Nicholas Nephi Peterson
Best Student Film
SHELL - Loki Olin
Best Director
Sole Suspect - Maggie Castle
Best First Time Director
The Shape of Trees - Jamie Wittezehler, Willie Wittezehler
Best Indie Filmmaker
O palhaço que há em nós - Eduardo Robalo
Best Actor
Passage - Jason Theriault
Best Actress
ZURY - Milcania Diaz-Rojas
Best Actor in an Indie Film
Enough for you - Justin Mawardi
Best Actress in an Indie Film
One Minute of Unconsciousness - Eliana Cordova
Best Young Actress
Just a Girl - Bella Catania
Best Cinematography
Alpha 27 - Nick Azzaro
Best Editing
Miss Me? - Sujay Putchala
Best Score
Hippocrites: A Broken Oath In Reproductive Health - David Bessler
Best Sound Design
SCENE I - Pei-Yu Shih
Best Visual Effects
Synesthesia - Chapter 2: Chromesthesia - Wesley Trisnadi
Best Commercial/Promotional Video
Moonflake : Space for imagination - Brice Blanloeil, Jean-Sébastien Duinjdam
Best Original Story
Hippocrites: A Broken Oath In Reproductive Health - Ivan Blotta, Billy Custer, Diana Krulik-Bentzen, Jeffrey Bartsch, Arthur DAraujo
Best Screenplay
If You Show Me Yours I'll Show You Mine - Riya Agarwal
Best Comedy Screenplay
Delvin - Terry Luke Podnar
Best Fantasy Screenplay
Best of Times - Jim Norman
* Winners may order an official Top Shorts statuette
* Winners may order a review - FilmFreeway Gold members get $50 off
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