Film of the Month
In the Valley of the Moon - Luca Massimiliano Pizzoleo
Best Narrative Film
Premonition - Nick Marchuk
Honorable Mention: Narrative Film
Judge - Nicolo' Pozzali
Best Indie Film
Chai - Sid Dalvi
Honorable Mention: Indie Film
Chimera Road - Gregory Da Silva
Best Drama
Premonition - Nick Marchuk
Best Comedy
Boss of the Toss - Chris Harboldt
Best Thriller
MADMA!D - Yunyi Zhu
Best Horror
E P - Nathan Alan Thomas
Best Experimental Film
Tenderness - Adam William Wilson
Best Romantic Comedy
Dave & Alice Want to Have Sex - Kyle Sauer, Alli Brown
Best Crime Film
In the Valley of the Moon - Luca Massimiliano Pizzoleo
Best Documentary
Hi, Dad - Stephanie Tonneson
Best Animation
The Life and Times of Schrodinger's Cat - Ron Noble, Suzanne Nichols
Best Music Video
Rosa Linn - Snap - Aramayis Hayrapetyan
Best Student Film
Ember - Robin Hofmann, Trinity Soos
Honorable Mention: Student Film
Hide and Seek - Maddie Tran, Zachary Willis
Best Microfilm
Stronger than you think - Laurent Stine
Best Director
In the Valley of the Moon - Luca Massimiliano Pizzoleo
Best First Time Director
Judge - Nicolo' Pozzali
Best Indie Filmmaker
Doll Factory - Junyoung Park
Best Young Filmmaker
All The Little Impossibles - Zan Miray Lapp
Best Actor
In the Valley of the Moon - Raz Fritz
Best Actress
E P - Jaclene London
Best Young Actress
All The Little Impossibles - Fiona Larsen-Teskey
Best Duo
Dave & Alice Want to Have Sex - Mark St. Cyr & Alli Brown
Honorable Mention: Duo
Blueberry - Sofia D'Marco & Andrew McIntyre
Best Original Story
In the Valley of the Moon - Luca Massimiliano Pizzoleo
Best Screenplay
The Valentine's Card - Elizabeth Player
Best Drama Screenplay
The Foxhole - John Kestner
Best Thriller Screenplay
Burned - Loren Davis
Best First Time Screenwriter
The Bomber - Emily Pelphrey
Best Television Script
WENCH - Aaveen Marandi, Tommy Miller
Special Jury Award
Silent Sirens - Neil Sandhoefner
* Winners may order an official Top Shorts statuette
* Winners may order a review - FilmFreeway Gold members get $50 off
Rosa Linn - Snap
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